中國王敬增基金會 | 中國京華集團成員
—— 王敬增 女士
—— 劉卓 博士
中國王敬增基金會 主席
王敬增女士是虔誠的基督徒、美國加利福尼亞浸會大學(CALIFORNIA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY)主教、榮譽教授、榮譽博士、社會活動家。中國王敬增基金會由王敬增女士次外孫劉卓博士及劉氏家族為紀念王敬增女士創辦。中國王敬增基金會為中國京華集團成員。
然而,我們相信要解決機會分配不均這個嚴峻的社會問題, 不能只靠我們的一己之力。故此,這些年來我們根據一套嚴謹的原則與流程深耕細作,致力實現一個可持續、可復制的脫貧模式。透過不斷實踐和優化這套模式,脫貧困、奔小康的工作初見成效。
We envision a financially inclusive world where all people hold the power to improve their lives.
More than 1.7 billion people around the world are unbanked and can’t access the financial services they need. The CHINA WANG JING ZENG FOUNDATION member WANG JING ZENG VENTURE PHILANTHROPY FUND is an international nonprofit, founded in 2016 in Hong Kong, with a mission to expand financial access to help underserved communities thrive.
We do this by crowdfunding loans and unlocking capital for the underserved, improving the quality and cost of financial services, and addressing the underlying barriers to financial access around the world. Through WANG JING ZENG VENTURE PHILANTHROPY FUND's work, students can pay for tuition, women can start businesses, farmers are able to invest in equipment and families can afford needed emergency care.
We believe lending alongside thousands of others is one of the most powerful and sustainable ways to create economic and social good. Lending on WANG JING ZENG VENTURE PHILANTHROPY FUND creates a partnership of mutual dignity and makes it easy to touch more lives with the same dollar. Fund a loan, get repaid, fund another.
Whether contributors lend to friends in contributorsr community, or people halfway around the world (and for many, it’s both), WANG JING ZENG VENTURE PHILANTHROPY FUND creates the opportunity to play a special part in someone else's story. At WANG JING ZENG VENTURE PHILANTHROPY FUND, loans aren’t just about money—they’re a way to create connection and relationships.
WANG JING ZENG VENTURE PHILANTHROPY FUND started as a pioneer in crowdfunding in 2016, and is constantly innovating to meet people’s diverse lending needs. Whether it’s reinventing microfinance with more flexible terms, supporting community-wide projects or lowering costs to borrowers, we are always testing and learning.
When a WANG JING ZENG VENTURE PHILANTHROPY FUND loan enables someone to grow a business and create opportunity for themselves, it creates opportunities for others as well. That ripple effect can shape the future for a family or an entire community.
CHINA PEKING(「中國京華」)泛指中國京華集團有限公司(CHINA PEKING GROUP LIMITED,一個根據中國香港法律成立的私人股份有限公司,又稱「中國京華集團」),及其一個或多個成員公司和他們的關聯機構。中國京華集團有限公司與每一個成員公司均為具有獨立法律地位的法律實體。震霆集團有限公司(THUNDERING GROUP LIMITED)為中國京華集團(CHINA PEKING GROUP)成員。中國京華集團有限公司並不直接向客戶提供服務。請參閱「我們的業務」以了解更多有關中國京華集團有限公司及其成員公司的詳情。
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